討つべき敵・青獅子の学級 The Enemy (Blue Lions)
(外郭都市 夜)
Outer City Wall | Evening
ソティス: このような夜更けに何を……。ほう、盗み聞きか。いい趣味をしておるな。
Sothis: What are you going at this hour? Ooh, I know... You are eavesdropping! I must admit that I approve.
ディミトリ: ……先生?……今は静かに。
Dimitri: Professor? We must remain quiet...
ソティス: あれは炎帝とモニカ、それに……モニカを助けた魔道士じゃな。
Sothis: I see... The Flame Emperor and Monica...and the mage who rescued Monica.
Choice 1: 復讐の時だ It's time for revenge. (Dimitri ⤴)
ディミトリ: ……今は抑えろ、先生。
Dimitri: Not yet, Professor.
Choice 2: 奴の名は? What is that guy's name?
ディミトリ: わからない……だが、もう少し耳を傾けていれば、わかるかもしれない。
Dimitri: I don't know, but if we keep listening, we might be able to find out.
ソティス: ううむ、奴らの企みを暴くまたとない機会じゃ。我慢せい、Byleth。
Sothis: An unexpected chance to hear their plans! Patience, patience!
モニカ: ……タレス様が助けてくれるなんて、もーめっちゃ感激!
Monica: Oh, thank you. You saved me!
タレス: おぬしが死ねば、我らの身の神秘が暴かれる……それを防いだのみよ。
Thales: If you were to die, then the mystery of our bodies would be revealed. Preventing that was my only aim.
I'm afraid you must remain, Kronya. There is something I need you to do.
モニカ: もっちろーん。ソロンと協力してやるよー、任せといてー!
Monica: Oh, of course. I am always happy to cooperate with Solon. Leave it to me.
炎帝: 煩い奴だ……。
Flame Emperor: How annoying.
タレス: おぬしには煩わしかったか、炎帝よ。目を離せぬのだから致し方あるまい。
Thales: Flame Emperor... Is she offending you? Unfortunately, we cannot take our eyes off her, so there is nothing to be done.
You are our greatest creation. We used the defiled beast's blood as the fuel to your flame, that you may burn even the gods.
Now is the time to cleanse Fódlan of that power, and bring forth our salvation.
炎帝: ダスカーで、アンヴァルで、惨たらしい行いを繰り返してきた貴様らに……
Flame Emperor: There will be no salvation for you and your kind.
Those responsible for such gruesome deeds in Duscur and Enbarr.
タレス: すべてはおぬしが力を得るためにやったことではないか。
Thales: All so that you may acquire the strength you need. All for a purpose...
ディミトリ: ………………。やっと、見つけた。
Dimitri: I've got you... Finally...
Choice 1: 待て Wait.
Choice 2: 出るな Don't go out there.
Choice 3: もっと話を聞こう Let's keep listening.
ディミトリ: 今を逃せば、機会はない……!
Dimitri: If we don't act now, we'll miss our chance!
炎帝: ……鼠か。
Flame Emperor: Hmm...
タレス: フ……聞いたところで何もできぬ。今までも、これからもな。
Thales: Hmph. Even if someone has over head us, there is nothing they can do. There have always been rats in the walls, and there always will be.
炎帝: ………………。
Flame Emperor: ...
ディミトリ: ……!あの短剣は……。
Dimitri: No... The dagger...
Choice 1: どうした? What's wrong?
Choice 2: 短剣? What about the dagger?
ディミトリ: いや……違う。そんなことが、あるはずがない。
Dimitri: It...no. Never mind. It couldn't possibly be so.
Professor, those are the ones we must destroy. They're the bastards who killed my family and Jeralt.
For now, let's return to the monastery and regroup. As for the Flame Emperor's dagger...I'll hold on to it for the time being.